


The Pa Kua Symbol, on which all of the Pa Kua knowledge is based, combines many element of Chinese philosophy. Understanding some of these concepts helps in understanding what Pa Kua teaches us. Following is an explanation of the Pa Kua Symbol components.

Yin Yang

The concept of Yin Yang is one of the fundamental concepts of Chinese philosophy. It is a concept of relativity between two elements of a whole. Nothing in this concept is absolute. Not only is something Yin in comparison to something else which is Yang, but everything Yin contains a little bit of Yang and vice versa.

Nothing in our life is totally Yin nor totally Yang, and even something Yin in its majority is so only in comparison to something else that is Yang; in comparison to something else that is Yin it will be considered Yang.

This concept is also very subjective. Something Yin in one persons set of values or judgment might be Yang in someone elses. A thorough understanding of the Yin Yang concept is essential to the study of any Chinese knowledge.

The Eight Changes

Another fundamental concepts of Chinese philosophy is the theory of the Eight Changes.

The Eight Changes are the basis of the original Chinese knowledge. The I-Ching, the most ancient book of Chinese knowledge, uses this concept as a starting point in to its multiplication and formation of the 64 Hexagrams.

The study of the Eight Changes gives us an understanding of events and people we encounter in our daily life. It helps us look in to our past, understand it, and therefore helps us guide ourselves into the future.

The popular saying those who forget their past are bound to repeat their mistakes in the future is a clear summary of how the knowledge of the Eight Changes helps us navigate our future.

Used as a system of classification of our ever-changing surroundings, the Eight Changes clarifies our understanding of the universe and its influences on our daily lives.

The Trigrams

The Trigrams are a series of combinations of three lines. Some of the lines are Yin (broken) lines and Yang (solid) lines.

The above eight combinations are all of the possible combinations (in threes) of two different lines.

There are many arrangements of the Trigrams. The one featured here is one that puts emphasis on the family structure, an all important concept in Pa Kua teachings.

The influences of the family play a major role in the shaping of an individuals behavior.
Sometimes, a study of the family illuminates many details of a persons characteristics and behavior, thus shedding lights on his future.

In the World Pa Kua Martial Arts & Health School an active involvement of the whole family in the studies is strongly encouraged.

The reason three lines are used for the formation of the Trigrams, as opposed to two lines or perhaps even four, relates to another all important concept in Chinese philosophy.

This is the concept of SKY MAN EARTH


This is another important classification method which is featured in all aspects of Chinese philosophy. Whether we are looking at distances in Pa Kua Martial Art, considering differences in relationships, analyzing the different foods in our nutrition, or if we are studying the different energies in healing arts the concept of SKY MAN EARTH is omnipresent.

SKY is the furthest distance, it is safety, it is the energy coming from above, it is the spiritual, the abstract.

EARTH is the closest distance, it is danger, it is the energy from below, it is the material.
MAN is a combination of SKY and EARTH. It is also considered their neutralizer as well being subject to both of their influences. It is the middle ground.

Chinese philosophy believes that no relationship exists between two elements without the existence of a third element which neutralizes the two elements. The third element does not only fall under the influences of the two elements, but is also essential to the maintenance of the relationship between the two elements.